Invisalign® for Adults in Las Vegas, NV
Get your dream smile today!
Say "Good-Bye" to Traditional Braces
for adults straightens smiles with custom-made, clear aligners. They’re comfortable to wear and removable for when you have a special occasion. It’s easy to maintain your look and lifestyle with Invisalign .How It Works
Here is the breakdown on how Invisalign® changes your smile.
Our Las Vegas orthodontists use Itero, a 3-D digital scanner, to take mouth impressions and create your teeth aligners. The trays are custom-fit and virtually invisible, so nobody has to know you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.
Switch the trays out each week to a new set of aligners and watch your teeth gradually shift to their new position. Simply throw the old aligners out and enjoy a fresh set that looks good and feels comfortable.
Clear Aligning Therapy
The 3-D digital scanner makes a record of your mouth within minutes and with more accuracy than old-fashioned impressions.
Our modern technology allows us to create mouth scans more effectively, without the use of gag-inducing, gooey impressions.
Every step of your smile plan is digitally plotted, so you know exactly what to expect. You can preview your results before we begin.
aligners are made of clear plastic but work just as well as braces for many types of misalignments. So your secret is safe with us!